We contribute to SDGs 4 Quality education; 8 Decent work and economic growth;
and 11 Sustainable cities and communities
Quality Education
We remain committed to contributing to the country’s efforts to improve the quality of education, especially in regions like Limón where, according to the Eighth Education Report, published by the State of the Nation Program, is one of the areas with the greatest lags and limitations to close the educational gap.
For many years now, our focus is on the educational centers in the canton of Matina, which we support with the endowment of school supplies and granting of student scholarships for young people with high academic performance. In Addition, on a level of professional technical college and university, our company has become a center of professional practice.
Important results in this area have been achieved during 2022 that should be highlighted. The professional practices carried out by high school and university students in Grupo Esfuerzo represent real learning experiences in a real and supervised environment.
Secondly, the company continues with its program of school supplies donation for each of our employees’ children. This year we decided to expand the scope of such contributions: previously we provided 300 annual packages to primary school students. Now, we extended it to high school, adding 55 packages of supplies a year, 30% more compared to previous periods.
Another result worth mentioning is the donation that the company made in favor of the Bristol Educational Center of Matina, with a student population close to 125 students. Building material worth $600 was provided.

Proper work and economic growth
We generate formal employment in historically vulnerable areas, including Matina, the county in Costa Rica with the greatest disadvantage according to the Human Development Atlas of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the University of Costa Rica.
We offer a total of 500 jobs; 100 of which are for indigenous Tayní – Cábecar people.
Valle de La Estrella
Located in the region of La Estrella Valley in the province of Limón, the indigenous territory Tayní, formed by 18 communities, has historically been one of the most isolated aboriginal populations in the country.
This indigenous people of the Cabécar culture live in an indigenous reserve created by Executive Decree since 1976. Given its isolation, the provision of services such as health, education, infrastructure, trade and transport, among others, has represented a problem for its nearly 10000 inhabitants.
In order to contribute to the efforts of improving their life conditions, Grupo Esfuerzo maintains a constant social policy to donate different products of essential necessity. In the previous year it sent work footwear (boots), sports equipment for the recreation of its inhabitants and construction materials. Regarding the donation of materials, it is to be noted that, together with the company El Colono Agropecuario, 40 zinc sheets were donated last July.
The identification of needs and the subsequent delivery of the donations is carried out by the company in coordination with the indigenous leaders of this territory.
Between 25 and 30% of our workforce is made up of women.
We offer internship opportunities to local young people attending university.
We participate in the Ministry of Labor’s Empléate government program.
We respect and comply with labor rights and the provisions of the Costa Rican Labor Code, including the payment of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) and the insurance coverage for occupational hazards. As part of this package, a contribution of 5% of the payroll is made to the Family Allowance Program, which provides assistance to families in greatest need. In addition, we offer additional benefits established in direct arrangement with workers’ representatives who are democratically elected in a general assembly. Among these benefits are:
Proper work and economic growth
- Permisos con goce de salario para asistir a citas médicas.
- Ayuda económica en el caso de fallecimiento de parientes cercanos.
- Entrega de víveres en casos excepcionales.
- Donaciones económicas para la promoción del deporte, la cultura y recreación.
- Actividades de esparcimiento en fechas especiales como el Día de la Madre y el Día del Trabajador.
- Asociación Solidarista con un 3% de aporte mensual patronal.
We follow a corporate philosophy of non-discrimination (por género, edad, etnia o cualquier otra condición) in all of our recruitment process
Ensuring the wellbeing of our employees has been one of our most representative pillars since our founding 33 years ago.
After a difficult time, as a result of the Covid-19 health crisis, the company’s interest in its employees, their families and the surrounding community increased.
During 2022 we have articulated efforts to deliver packages with food and other supplies to those collaborators with greater socio-economic difficulties.
On the other hand, and as part of our interest in promoting the integral well-being of our employees, we have delivered implements such as balls, nets for football courts, uniforms and gloves, which will be used by the sports teams formed by the workers in the community.
The response to our vaccination campaigns against the Covid-19 virus was satisfactory, both to protect the health of our collaborators and their families, as to keep the farms and production plants active.
Almost 500 people, including workers and their families, took part in these three inoculation campaigns carried out in the past year: over 300 people got the first dose, 100 received the second dose and 70 already have the third one.
In the health area, Grupo Esfuerzo also provides monetary contributions to the family members of any collaborator who passes away.

Sustainable cities and communities
Urbanización El Esfuerzo housing development was built in 2012 to provide proper housing for 91 families, most of whom are company personnel.
This project, led by Mr Eduardo Gómez, was executed through a public-private partnership with the Municipality of Matina, BANHVI, Banco Popular, JAPDEVA, FUPROVI and the community.
Grupo Esfuerzo donated the 3 hectares of land and the houses were built with resources from the Bono Familiar de Vivienda. For their part, the families contributed close to 32 million Colones in self-construction tasks (labor and materials provided by the beneficiaries themselves).
Currently, about 400 people live in Urbanización El Esfuerzo, including 18 female heads of household, 2 single parents, 7 senior citizens and more than 100 boys and girls.

Fotografía de los fundadores: Don Eduardo Gómez y Doña Beatriz
We contributed to the construction of a levee in 2021 to revent flooding in communities located in Costa Rica’s Atlantic region.
We contributed to the construction of a levee in 2021 to revent flooding in communities located in Costa Rica’s Atlantic region.