We contribute to SDGs 7 Affordable and clean energy; 12 Responsible
production and consumption; and 15 Living terrestrial ecosystems.

Affordable and clean energy
In 2015, we invested in the purchase and installation of 40 solar panels to cover the energy cost of the cooling containers for the fruit.
Responsible production and consumption
We achieved Carbon Neutrality in 2021, which guarantees that our net Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions released into the atmosphere are equivalent to zero thanks to our reduction and compensation actions, which in turn contribute to the National Decarbonization Plan and to the country’s goal of being an economy with zero net emissions by 2050.
We are certified Global G.A.P. , a standard for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), which specifies safety requirements and traceability criteria; biodiversity protection; and worker health, safety and welfare.
We are certified in the international standard for sustainable agriculture, Rainforest Alliance , so that our customers have the certainty that our bananas are produced with methods that support the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic and environmental.
ecosystems life
We preserve 240 hectares of primary forest for the protection of natural resources and terrestrial ecosystems
We implement sustainable and circular practices, which include recycling and the complete reuse of the plastic used (bags, rope and others), as well as proper water management in all of our production processes.
We compost the banana fruit and plant waste to convert it into organic fertilizer that is then applied to the plantations.
We have reduced the use of pesticides by 60% and we do not use herbicides; instead, we implement a system of vegetative soil cover
We prohibit hunting, fishing and captivity.
We maintain an updated inventory of flora and fauna to identify possible endangered species and take measures to protect biodiversity