Grupo esfuerzo expands its presence in the banana market with the acquisition of two more farms
In December 2020, Grupo Esfuerzo decided to expand its presence in the banana market with the acquisition of two new farms to reach a total area of 960 hectares, of which 550 hectares are currently in production. These are the Vesta farm in Valle La Estrella, which comprises more than 240 hectares of primary forest for the protection of biodiversity, and the Agrotubérculos farm in Cahuita in Talamanca, in the beautiful South Caribbean. Both located in the province of Limón. The two farms were purchased from the Taylor family. “Vesta is known to be the oldest banana farm owned by an independent grower” , recalled Don Eduardo Gómez, founder of the company. Jaime Gómez, member of the Board of Directors of Grupo Esfuerzo, stated that “this decision seeks to expand our production and place a greater volume of fruit in the international banana market. It also allows us to be more competitive and mitigate risks for the peace of mind of our customers” . In this way, we also seek to impact the local economy and contribute even more to building the country’s brand around the world, thanks to the sustainable production of high-quality Costa Rican bananas. “In the last four years, through actions such as this, we have tripled our business size, opened new independent marketing channels and increased productivity per hectare on our farms. All thanks to the contribution of our collaborators, customers, commercial partners and suppliers,” , the executives concluded. WhatsApp Email